Neurodidactic strategies questionnaire: design and validity of content by expert judgment

Keywords: design, validation, neurodidactic strategies, teacher training


This article aims to describe the design and content validation process of a questionnaire to explore the neurodidactic strategies used by teachers. Neurodidactic strategies are those based on the knowledge of the functioning and structure of the nervous system. The Neurodidactic Strategies Questionnaire, composed of 18 items, tracks methodological, operational, and socioemotional strategies. The content validation, carried out using the individual aggregation technique with expert judges, revealed high levels of clarity, coherence, and relevance in the items of each dimension, with the following results: in the Operational Strategies dimension, the averages are 0.95, 1, and 0.98; in Socioemotional Strategies, 0.90, 0.99, and 0.98; and in Methodological Strategies, 0.96, 0.99, and 0.98, respectively. A high degree of consensus among the judges was observed regarding the sufficiency of the questionnaire. The results allow us to conclude that the instrument is clear, coherent, relevant, and sufficient for evaluating the application of neurodidactic strategies. Its implementation enables a diagnosis of the use of neurodidactic strategies, allowing the planning of intervention actions aimed at strengthening teacher training, the comparison of academic performance between groups of students according to whether or not these strategies have been implemented, and teacher selfevaluation before and after receiving training to assess the modification of their practice, thus providing a valuable tool for teacher training and research in neuroeducation and neurodiversity.


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How to Cite
Rubiales, J., Grossi, M. C., & Bakker, L. (2024). Neurodidactic strategies questionnaire: design and validity of content by expert judgment. RIEE | Revista Internacional De Estudios En Educación, 24(1), 41-50.