El docente de bachillerato digital en sus primeros años de trabajo: La formación del facilitador en el espacio rural

Keywords: facilitator, identity, digital high school, rural area


In the process of building the professional identity of The Digital-High-School Teacher, the role of facilitator given by the rhetoric of theComprehensive Reform of High School Education affects the professional practice in the first years of work, which impacts the way of assuming the role of teacher and how to fulfill their duties in a rural community under the modality of digital education, where access to the use of Information and Communication Technologies is a difficulty due to the lack of electricity, cell phone signal and poor internet and access to technological devices. The text presents the experiences and complexities faced by The Digital-High-School Facilitators in their early years. The method used was the multiple case, from the work narrative biographical trajectories approach, applied to four teachers with a career outside of teaching and recent university graduates, for whom being a teacher is their first formal job. The results of the research
show that some of the most extraordinary complexities faced by these teachers are: the lack of support for the beginning teacher, the interpretation of the role of facilitator, the distance from the communities in which they are that influences in a way directly in the pedagogical task, the complex work situations experienced in the rural community, the lack of infrastructure and the demand to become a manager as well as being a facilitator and problem solver that allow him to teach classes according to the digital model.


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How to Cite
Flores Báez, A. (2023). El docente de bachillerato digital en sus primeros años de trabajo: La formación del facilitador en el espacio rural. RIEE | Revista Internacional De Estudios En Educación, 23(1), 32-43. https://doi.org/10.37354/riee.2022.229